Monday, January 16, 2012

Lots of twines and sharp Barbs and Poki Poki thorns

Hash Run 181 by ,
DATE: 11 JAN 2012.
Truly Wonderful day to Run, Location very ideal, Condition perfect.

Plenty of space to run, lots of twines and sharp Barbs and Poki Poki thorns, run started like normal, go along the houses till the entrance to the Jungle, then go down to the river, from then on Up the first Hill then The second hill , and then the 3 rd hill,  Looks like Hares could not find any more hills to put paper on or either ran out of paper and had to find a path pack to the starting point. Very good run for Virgin Hare. However paper lying was funky up a little.
Not any visible checks but I guess the Plicks in front would have broken them checks.
Holy paper was marking the trail towards the end, all in I think there was 3 and half hills to complete.
Trail towards the end was pleasant as it sloped slowly downwards the Chinese Tokong.
Some wankers stoped to pray and to thank the Chinese Tokong for ensuring that they  got out safe.
Ok lah, I also got down on one knee to thanks him As well.. One Malaysia Mah.

All in all a very good and enjoyable Run.
Ironman ... finally out at 9.15pm

Unfortunately Ironman got lost, looks like he follows the other chapters paper and expected to come out faster since our chapter have not enough paper what.
1st runner in 7.15 and Iron Man finally came out at 9.15 pm, this plick had a small torchlight with him which ran our of battery after a few minutes. He said after the run that he has never been so frighten before in his life. ( Praise be given that he got out OK. )
We had arrange the “A team” led by Nangka Solo with enough supply of Beer and Nangka to find Iron Man. They did a good job. 
Beer was flowing graciously. So was the rain . Due to Anuar verdict, the sky split open and started to rain like hell and the group has to disperse. Circle was called short.
Since we could not convoy, bcos eyesight no good for the old farts,.  Some wankers could not go to Mr Worlds apartment for Dinner, and instead tong tong and had out own dinner in Puchong.  
Gong Xi Fa Chai.
Foreplay – Suresh – Merry Ponggol

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