This Week's RUN #67
Hare: Vulva Hai Pei
Date: 4th November 2009
Run Site: Setia ECO Park, Setia Alam
Take the NKVE and head towards Klang. About approximately 1 km from the Bukit Rajah Toll, take the ramp left to turn right into Setia Alam or is it Alam Setia, you find out yourself. Continue on this road which is a dual carraigeway until you come to the first overhead bridge. Turn off here and go right and follow hash signs to run site.
ReHashed: RUN #66
Hare: Chicken Man
Cock-Hares: Messy & Mah Lau
Run Site: Bukit Subang
This fokin virgin hare really, really wanted to impress. He recruited the best in the form of that messy guy with the similar name and together with a monkey they ventured out to set to set a mother of a run. A fantastic effort by a "not touched by human cock" hare, and their foray over the bridge across the Guthrie Expressway onto virgin territory also was stupendous but just a mite too long for GW's likings. He was duly iced for setting a long run not withstanding a good one.
, the ice of course.
The usual farting and icing continues and the circle was adjourned to Hup Hee Restaurant for the grub, 3 tables with 6 bottles of SKOL per table from the hare.
Big hand for a great run and a fantastic dinner.
Kuala Perlis Invitation Run (Batangs Only)
28th Nov 2009
28th Nov 2009
Run Site: Danok
Only 6 have registered with Messy so far. All interested, please register early to support this batang hash.
Jantan Jerantut HHH 1st Anniversary Run
12th December 2009
Run Site: Kuala Tahan
25 wankers registered, damage for run and hotel is RM65 except for those who have booked double rooms.
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