The Weakly Wanking

30th Dec 2019
Hare: Smokie
Cock-Hares: Ice Breaker & Speedy
Run Site: Puncak Alam (After Altantuya Hill)
Scribe: Kool Dogg
New run site,after Altantuya hill 2km on the right hand side of the main road.Muddy parking space.Seeing the Hare (Smokie) busy giving traffic for parking.45 wankers turn up for the run.GW called On On at 6.00pm.The Hare started the run with a rocky path,follow by up hill task until reaching the first primary jungle slope going on up.Reaching the clearing,found the first check.Broke by recycle on the left down hill,and turning left up the second jungle path up hill again.Along the way, second check also broke by Recycle to the left side leading down hill.Reachig the third check,confusing Nangja,Recycle & Kool Dogg.Finally back pack arrived lead by Tai Kau Fatt who broke the check up hill to the left leading all the way back to the run side,with a false trail along the way.First to came out Tai Kau Fatt (36mins).Last one always Tan Sei Lei,less tan 60mins.Very short run due to new run site which bravely set by the Hare & the Co.Hares.
T.Shirt were distrubute the the wankers by the Hare.Plenty of time to gossip & funcky around before the circle start at 7.45pm.Call by Bankers (Butler),leading the Wankers song by Tan Sei Lei (Bard).GW (Mr.Pepper) on the box.Call the Hares (Smokie) who explained the short run which he set with his Co.Hares (Icebreker & Speedy).They encounter a few (Babi Hutan) blocking the way.However the manage to talk away the Brawl After thanking the Co.hares, moving on, *On Cash announce the up coming collection for the new terms.Discount being offer to those wanker who pay the whole years fees.Not much announcement from On Sex and running out of Golden Fluid.Circle proceed fast with mysterious Batu Api (Recycle) on box.First on the Ice Throne Musang King,offence for wearing PH4 shorts during the run,second Chicken Man for using beer to wash the watermelon (no wonder we don,t have enough beer to stand for the circle) very heavy offence.Follow by a double ash sittting onthe throne by our Hare (Smokie). Short run & wrongly printed Lan#74 on the T.shirt,suppose to be Lan#75.(Apa macam semua Old backside silap lagi) to much Golden Fluid aready lah!!!!! Circle ended with saying grace and thanks the Hares for the Grupp... On On.
On two was in Kg.Subang Bak Kut Teh.Dishes started with Yellow Wine Chicken,follow with Bak Kut Teh,Braised Muchroom Chicken Leg,Spicy Dry Chilly Pork Leg,Oyster Sauce Vegis and finally Claypot Steam Fish.As usual after the carnival brawl of foods,the 4 table pack domanited the premises with laughter,shouting,drinking,singing and etc (unimagineable) sitiuation happening.Noise echoing the quit road leading the whole Kg.Subang. Well! Looking foward Jagakereta Lan#76 at Putra Height,amazing on two preparation with old unmentionable available!
* Any Wanker who pays up his subs for the whole year amounting to RM720 will receive a specially designed branded T-shirt. The subs must be paid within the first two months of this year i.e. for the benefits of the few plicks who cannot understand the above statement ....that meeens, must pay up lor, in full lor, yes all RM720 by end of February, installment also can lor but must be done in these two months lor.
Still cannot understand ah???? please go knock your head on Musang's lolly, and ask him to eplain lor. ED.
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