This Week's Run
Hare : Mountain Hee
Cock Hare : Hyena, San Chu, Longkang & Diamond Arse
Scribe : San Chu contracted out to Pukipine with 10% income of San Chu
MOUNTAIN HEE at BUKIT PENGSAN speaks for itself….. San Chu to me, with his 10% earning of income and not his 10% of his body fat.
It was like almost 8pm when Hyena told me to scribe for San Chu where he gained almost 18% of the body fat from San Chu, Hyena being Hyena, after joining the Senior Citizen clique he has being lazy to do paperwork and only concentrate on the golden fluid and like to be the next Hyena One and a half and Hyena Two. The same time, myself after few rounds of golden fluid, I’m not sure what have been going on during the lan, the lan site name has speak itself, Bukit Pengsan, and it was really PENGSAN of trying to recall the lan and also PENGSAN LAN.
Reached the lan site at around 5.35pm, heard Hyena was shouting, BEK KAN EEHHH, come olendi……. and if I can recall, almost more than 10 wankers bastard were having their wanking talks with absent of Mountain Hee, the hare was nowhere to find, theres claims that Mountain Hee went back for prayer after setting tremendous PENGSAN LAN. But anyway it was a good effort from the Virgin Hare.
Noticed the flocks of Subang Wankers start arriving the lan site by 5.48pm, turn up was at 37 wankers, maybe it was still holidays for some folks and surprise.. we have a special guest from Mother Hash……Uncle Lui. Uncle Lui start to mangling around with the new Subang Wankers members and also with old hack like Gandhi, Messy, Hyena and Grand Wankers, also myself, but I’m not old hack.
Exactly, 6pm, Grand Wankers shout ON,ON along the tarmac road lead us down to rubbish area path……with stick smell we all went down. Objectively, with this kind of smell to make all the wankers brothers to fell little bit PENGSAN before the real PENGSAN come into picture. While strolling down leading us to jungle and up hill, noticed GW was at front leading and suddenly a snake ran pass him with Nangka Solo behind, GW prick sink, but lucky his balls does not go missing. And the FRBs start overtaking him and thanks the GW for the blessing the snake that lan away.
I was behind with Chicken Man, and saw Chicken Man throwing away the silver toy gun, I pick it up and lan over to GW and shalf his ass, GW was jumping like mad looks like lion roars thought is was the snake and start cursing @#$%^&* with Ching Chong laughing away behind me and I have already expect what to expect after the lan and during the circle.
Then we reach 1st check, On On was heard on the left towards thick rubber estate, saw paper and met bunch of subang wankers searching for paper…….what lah!! shout on,on but no paper and the culprit laying paper was Chicken man and said “ PEOPLE SHOUT ON,ON, I LAY PAPER LOR…….” And the papers end here.
Immediately, 2nd called On,On was heard on the right site towards the hill, the check was broke by Nangka Solo and I saw Messy was standing showing the papers direction and all up the wankers bastard following paper, it was uphill climb passing thru Indonesia make bungalow with environment free toilet expose to air, noticed some wankers behind was asking WHY there are no unmentionable bathing……if I’ll to know who said that, I’ll put that wankers bastard on ice, apparently I have been banned as mystery whip.
Bengkang Bengkong passing thru the indo bungalow, which can feel the dizziness of PENGSAN olendi, up the hill we go again, from here can observe the jungle was bashing thru by the hare and the cockhare gang, well manner bashing thru with clear running path except some branches was cut as tall as my prick and almost hit my balls and stuck my prick. Ice breaker was behind my back and starting to jump it legs.
Zig Zagging and criss crossing up the hill- PENGSAN LIOW and down the hill have to turn left, turn right, round left n round right and started to PENGSAN olendi LOR, can feel and heard the loss of the area by the hare and the cock hare bushing thru as behind the back packs WANKERS was keep shouting “WHERE ARE YOU!!!”,” WHERE ARE YOU!!!”
A lot of papers leading the way, but HELLLOOOO HYENAAA!!!! next time staple paper at my height level laaahhhh……need to LOOK UP for paper and take care of short branches that almost get my prick and balls hang…
Passing thru mud area, noticed TanSeiLeh and Kenny Wang was behind me with Uncle Lui, and Uncle Lui was giving one prick of advise to both TanSeiLeh and Kenny Wang to take step one at the time.
Up again and out from the jungle, can see Messy again standing up at the longkang drain pointing is back home trail at tarmac road leading all the way to beer wagon, first runner out was Nangka solo at 52 minutes. Last person out was GW, carrying the toy gun and ready to gun down the Chieftain of the FUCKAWEE tribe, u know who lahhh……
Circle was called by Mah Lou, which just back from Bentong assignment, inviting GW to the box, immediately GW gunned down Pukipine to the ice throne for the toy gun offend……Honouring the hare, Mountain Hee and his cockhare, Hyena, Longkang and San Chu. Few announcement was made by Inter Hash Sec-Messy and On-Sec-Hyena together with On-Cash, Char Siew on collection and called the mystery batu api on the box.
Mystery Whip was Ching Chong, first to called was Nangka Solo for asking prick question to Uncle Lui, was follow by Pukipine again on describing the Tg.Balai trip with unmentionable, TanSeiLeh for don’t know what offend but the best part who on ice was GW and ON-Sec for not taking care of the box and ice throne last week. It’s been long time since GW was on iceddddd…..